The old house with the (very) floating floors
The old house with the (very) floating floors

The old house with the (very) floating floors

The old house with the (very) floating floors

The house of memories

Gaspésie (Quebec), Canada

From the outside, this unoccupied house has rather good-looking. The roof does not leak, it is relatively straight and the turf is maintained. The owner is also building a house a stone's throw away from there. Abandoned by her daughter who lived in the house 10 years ago, it is now crowded with a thousand things, which means that circulate inside is rather difficult. And at your own risk, too. The floor is so flabby that your feet reinforce.. Not safe at all!

The boxes are stacked from floor to ceiling and it leads us to believe that it is only a matter of time before the soil collapse under the weight of those memories that are likely to end up in the trash. I did also not risk myself in some parts of the house, clearly seeing that an empty space of few inches between the floor and the wall seemed a good indicator that my foot had a good chance to go through the carpet if I was going there...

However, this house is not devoid of interest. Formerly, it was home to a small post office in the early twentieth century. Moreover, we find a few traces here and there: a few inscriptions on the walls, a space at the entrance having already hosted a mailbox and a remaining postal outlet.

Still, we guess that the future of this house is doomed at worst. The abandoned houses abound in the Gaspésie and the latter being located on a huge lot is likely to make way for a newer construction...

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