The abandoned leisure park
The abandoned leisure park

The abandoned leisure park

The abandoned leisure park

Beware of Dog!

Bretagne, France

Unknown by the urbexers, this leisure park, also a zoo, is located somewhere in Brittany on a small rural road. Created in the early 1990s, this attraction has unfortunately closed its doors ten years later following a judicial liquidation. Although grass invaded sites, the site is in a state of incredible conservation. In short, vandals didn't have found that place yet. Hopefully it stays that way...

For the anecdote, while a sign at the entrance indicating the presence of a dog, Clement was terrified at the sight of this huge shadow just enough far away to don't seeing it that clearly. Taking the beast for a dog with sharp teeth ready to devour his leg as a snack, he has climbed a tree to see that the beast was a... goat.

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