Abandoned for more modern constructions or left behind to adrift once the occupants died, abandoned houses populate the countryside. Hidden under vegetation who tries to conquer its old territory, sometimes the passing years prevent explorers...
We are in September 1937 in the small village of Belchite located about 50 kilometers from Zaragoza. The Spanish Civil War has been raging for a year already and thousands of Spaniards died. By the end of the conflict in April 1939, they will be more than 500,000 deads.
While the village is the site of many battles between nationalists and republicans, Belchite will be conquered and reconquered throughout the Spanish Civil War. On April 1, 1939 while the noise of the bombs stopped, the village is completely destroyed, a victim of the madness of soldiers.
The new dictator, Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco y Bahamonde, or simply Franco decided to leave the ruins untouched and rebuild the village few meters away. His goal? Give his people a live monument of the civil war. The latter is also used symbolically this place as irrefutable proof that the Republicans was the cause of this horror.
Today, the site is open to the public and guided tours are possible. The area have also been the scene of shooting various films, such as The Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Terry Gilliam (Brazil, The Fisher King, etc.) and Pan's Labyrinth directed by Guillermo del Toro .
Abandoned for more modern constructions or left behind to adrift once the occupants died, abandoned houses populate the countryside. Hidden under vegetation who tries to conquer its old territory, sometimes the passing years prevent explorers...
Ravenloft Castle is hidden deep into the woods outside a small town in upstate New York. Construction began during the early years of World War I. Unfortunately, the owner never had the chance to live in it, as he died three years before the...
Judging by the price on these old gas pumps, there is no doubt about the fact that they are abandoned long ago. If you look carefully at the left pump, it shows 68.4 ¢ per gallon (approximately 18 cents per liter), and the right one (probably...
The origin of this construction is surprising. It must first be known that it is located at the top of an artificial mountain made of rubble and other residues from the buildings destroyed during the Second World War. Then, this mountain itself...