The old parochial cinema
The old parochial cinema

The old parochial cinema

The old parochial cinema

Vestige of the golden age of cinema

Gaspésie (Quebec), Canada

In 1937, we are in the golden age of cinema and in these Gaspé lands, the pastor of this small coastal village is looking for a way to finance the modern church to which he dreams. Convincing parishioners to provide wood and time to build a small theater with 250 seats, it will open in 1938. It will be found in Nova Scotia (atlantic province of Canada) iron chairs to furnish the room.

This sober building recalls the structure of the hangars of the region. Renovated during the 50s, the room is then used extensively for film, Irish festivals, political rallies and as a local theater.

However, like many other theaters around the world, its decline will begin with the arrival of television. Rural depopulation and the aging of the population will come to end of the room which is no longer used except for very rare occasions. Nevertheless, a volunteer dedicated to its preservation manages to keep the site alive despite the lack of interest of the community.

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